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Table 3 Application of biomimetic nanostructures for enhancement of cancer immunotherapy

From: Nanoparticles in tumor microenvironment remodeling and cancer immunotherapy


Cancer type/Cell line

Size (nm)/zeta potential (mV)



Biomimetic nanovesicles

Breast cancer/4T1 cells

500 nm

Loading 5-aminolevulinate hydrochloride (HAL) and 3-methyladenine (3MA) into cancer cell-derived microparticles

Increasing biosynthesis of PpIX in mitochondria, causing ROS generation after irradiation and increasing mitochondrial dysfunction

Suppression of mitophagy

PD-L1 downregulation to mediate immunogenic cell death


Hybrid nanoparticles

Breast cancer/4T1 cells

180 nm/−18.93 mV and − 26.4 mV

Development of hybrid nanoparticles from GTe and modification with cancer cell membrane and bacterial outer membrane

GTe functions as a radiosensitizer and the membranes can increase anti-cancer immune responses

Increasing ROS generation

Stimulation of immunogenic cell death


Biomimetic nanovaccine



Functionalization of nanoparticles with cancer cell membrane

Co-delivery of CpG and propranolol

High accumulation in lymph nodes and enough drug release

Increasing dendritic cell maturation and antigen presentation

Enhancing CD8+ T cell priming and

Promoting infiltration of B and NK cells

Inhibiting the immunosuppressive TME


Biomimetic PLGA nanoparticles


147.8 nm/-1.8 mV

Delivery of 2-bromo-palmitate by PLGA nanoparticles to increase its potential in breast cancer therapy

Functionalization of nanoparticles with cancer cell membrane

Downregulation of PD-1/PD-L1


Porous silicon@Au nanocarriers

Breast cancer/4T1 cells

Up to 243.30 nm

Functionalization of nanocomposites with cancer cell membrane

Stimulation of anti-cancer immune responses and relieving immunosuppressive microenvironment

Suppressing the proliferation and invasion of cancers



Breast cancer/4T1 cells

113.2 nm/-12.8 mV

Modification with dendritic cell-derived membrane

Accumulation in lipid droplets of cancer cells

The presence of cell membrane allows to accelerate hitchhiking of AIEdots into T cells and stimulates them in cancer immunotherapy


FePSe3 nanosheets

Colon cancer/CT26 cells

+ 28.5, + 24.0, + 37.8, and + 0.2 mV

Modification of nanoparticles with cancer cell membrane

Loading anti-PD-1 peptide in the nanoparticles

Phototherapy-induced immune responses and tumor ablation

Suppression of PD-1/PD-L1 axis to stimulate T cells
