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Table 2 Summary of the indications for the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) for BCR-ABL1 KD mutation testing in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)

From: Next-generation sequencing for BCR-ABL1 kinase domain mutation testing in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia: a position paper

Indications for the use of NGS testing in chronic phase CML

 - in patients with failurea response to TKI therapy, irrespective of the TKI

 - in patients with warninga response to TKI therapy, irrespective of the TKI

Indications for the use of NGS testing before allogeneic stem cell transplant (allo-SCT)

 - BCR-ABL1 KD mutation status by NGS testing before allo-SCT may provide useful information regarding when post-transplant TKI therapy should be reinstated. Patients who do not have BCR-ABL1 KD mutation results by NGS available at the time of transplant should be testedb

Indications for the use of NGS testing in advanced CML phases

 - all patients with advanced phase (AP or BC) either at diagnosis or during therapy

Indications for the use of NGS testing after TKI therapy discontinuation

 - in patients relapsing after a TFR attempt if they fail to re-achieve MMR within 3–6 months after TKI re-treatment

  1. aIt has to be noted that, at present, failure and warning definitions for third-line and beyond are lacking
  2. bProvided that BCR-ABL1 transcript levels are sufficient, i.e., > 0.1%IS
  3. AP accelerated phase, BC blast crisis, MMR major molecular response, TFR treatment-free remission, TKI tyrosine kinase inhibitor, IS International Scale